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About the Muhammed cartoons

Take a good look at this picture. 


Take a look at this picture. Do you see any boundaries ?

Do you see any boundaries ? Peace is possible.

During this last week some people have been trying to use cartoons published by a Danish newspaper to create division between people based on religion.

The cartoons were in my view of course a misplaced provocation towards muslims and Islam.

I do not like that these pictures were ever made. But I hope that we as people of this planet can bridge the gap made by television and hopefully live in a world of peace based on respect.

Unfortunately Danish Broadcasting Corporation (Denmark Radio) closed it´s foreign language news last year, so you can not find up to date news from Denmark made by Danish people.

Instead try

Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs 

BBC News

Google News

Read about how Denmark is from Wikipedia

and how Politics of Denmark is constructed from Wikipedia search muslim cartoon (This one searches other weblogs for muslim cartoon) - But be critical of what´s written. Some entries are not friendly towards muslims at all.

Or you can visit the newspaper Jyllands-Posten, who posted the cartoons last year.


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Picture from Nasa Bluemarble serie
Blue Marble next generation

[Ming the Mechanic: The Earth from space]

Last updated
January 5th 2006 - added links to Wikipedia about Denmark

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I really was upset about the cartoons. Why make such cartoons when they are infactual and false?

If people really read about the prophet peace be upon him they would realise he was a mercy to mankind.

Moreover, as Muslims we aren't allowed to draw pictures of Prophets, furthermore, we aren't meant to disrespect someone elses religion. We respect all prophets, Moses, Abraham, Jesus, so why not respect our dear Prophet?

Hi be,

I think the intentions as to why the cartoons were made only can be asked to Jyllands-Posten and only they know exactly why they choose to publish them.

And this is what they state today on their website:

From Jyllands-Posten
In our opinion, the 12 drawings were sober. They were not intended to be offensive, nor were they at variance with Danish law, but they have indisputably offended many Muslims for which we apologize.
Honourable Fellow Citizens of the Muslim World from Jyllands-Posten

I too aggree that all religions should be respected no matter which religion individuals choose to practise.

The newspaper is the no. 1 newspaper in Denmark in terms of sales. But in my view they have stepped across a line, that they should not have.

But keep in mind that this is one newspaper in Denmark and the majority of Danes do not approve of this kind of action.

As you can see of the picture of the earth posted above. There are no artificial boundaries and we all have to live together as good neighbors also in the future.

I cannot force upon anyone (nor do I intend to do) how they should think or act. And therefore the whole baracle following the cartoons is caught in a catch-22 (also known as vicious circles), where the freedom of speech and the right to religious freedom are the victims.

I hope that despite everything, we as ordinary people still are able to speak (or write) together based on respect.

When jerry the mouse smacks jerry the cat with an axe in the head(cartoon) it is fun "at least in the western world" get a grip. its just a drawing. we have a hall of "drawings" of the politicans of power.
BTW. try google picture "jews". ill let the picture speak